A mail to GOD : In search of true GOD
Posted On Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at at 9:44 PM by SundarS

I wanted to know what is GOD – When I googled this as usual, it resulted in Wikipedia and read those articles but ended up having an head ache. My confusion is who is/are god/gods?
When I was a kid like others J (Still but), there was no cable connection in my grand ma house and so DD was the only option for me. We used to watch ‘Sri Krishna’, ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’. I had lot of doubts and as usual my grand ma told some stories to clear my doubts. I came to conclusion that GOD is one who creates all species in this world and also one who created this world to accommodate his inventions (Species). God is super power. God helps people who are in trouble and many examples in above said epics that Krishna handled main villan kamsan and many other non extinct species which were also created by same GOD. Y he shud create and Y he shud delete it? This is the case where my confusion starts… There are many GOD’s in this world and each one having their own name and own looks. In India, we can see different GOD. Again one more confusion in my conclusion, if there are many GOD’s in this world and how they created whole world with all resources, and still creating. If it’s a team work, then who is the team lead and project manager and delivery manager. (I am working in ITJ) So I decided to drop a mail to GOD itself praying him/her to reply ASAP.
Hi ____
How are you? I am one among u r delivered goods to so called earth and confused with the practice which is followed in our earth. Here I can see many GOD around me. So I donno to whom I shud write this mail, and so I kept it blank for you to fill it up. I know you’re the super creator but I want to who you are exactly (In India or at least in Tamilnadu)? So plz clear. I hope you remember the country which u created and we named it as India. Here there are so many gods from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Most frustrating part is same god is having multiple personality with different looks and names which make me to doubt u that u r suffering from multiple personality disorder??.
I know there is no death for you but I am not sure that u aware there is birth for you. If you are super creator, then we are creator of super creator. Yeah, it may be shocking news to u but daily news to me. Yes day by day GOD population also increasing and I guess soon great competition will be there in India. My search in discovering you continued and I even googled as anything can be searched in, with “Who is god” which resulted with 99,100,000 pages and each describing different names as GOD. Confused again and closed GOD of search engine.
Tragedy part in my confusion is I am seeing few GOD who look similar to me. Yes they are also human beings created by you. People here worship them similar to you. They can do live magic tricks like getting Ash (Vibuthi) by waving in air, taking lingam from them (yes believe me, they taking it very easily). Some may go extreme state by torturing themselves like breaking coconut in their head and does the same to their devotee (As though it’s solid rock) and worst part they do this with full intention without fear of blood. Few jump across here and there and saying future of other thinking they are modern world Nostradamus and peak is jumping over small child saying the future of that child. If he misses the jump, future of child ends there. One more group is mesmerizing people by saying u r name and they claim that anything can be healed if we surrender us to them. Then SWINE FLU, AIDS are curable I guessJ. Like this lot of living GODS doing all sort of fun to entertain few and to destroy maximum by saying they are GOD. Please take care of duplicates. I guess u shud start thinking about piracy and copyrights.
Friend in need is friend in deed, so I called up my friend and asked him, he said that his grand mother is GOD to him. This concept is all over the world. Few crazy friends told Sachin as GOD, DR.Vijay, and Rajini as GOD to them. So I left this option too. Sachin is GOD as he is hitting fours and sixes which doesn’t help any poor people or needy except him. Same to rest of the so called GOD in all fields. Please take care this too.
I just write what I know; GOD is nothing but a superior power that may help us to have a disciplined life. It may be called as per people wish but there is no differentiation between each name. There may be different look but an ultimate point is no specific look for u and only feel is there.
Take care of u r identity and originality which I mentioned above and please clarify my questions ASAP….
Sundar (India)