Freedom <<<>>> blocked
Posted On Monday, May 18, 2009 at at 10:07 AM by SundarS
சிறையினை உடைத்து
சிறகொன்று கடன்பெற்று
சுதந்திரமாய் பறக்க ஆசை
சூழ்நிலை என்னும் சங்கிலி
தடுக்கிறது .......
Height of advertisement
Posted On Monday, May 11, 2009 at at 7:43 AM by SundarS
கவித --- dreams transformed
Posted On Sunday, May 10, 2009 at at 7:26 PM by SundarS
Superhero SUNDAR
Posted On at at 10:40 AM by SundarS
I got this thinking before 2 mths and started to scribble but after long time, today oly posting it successfully. 10 reasons why I wish to be super hero... Reason 1: Why I should be a normal man, if a super hero get lot n lots of privileges. Reason2: No need to get up early Reason3: No need to work from 8.45 am to 5.45 pm Reason4: While doing heroism's public will wave hand and lot of flying kisses Some evil will attack the city and it will enjoy destroying city as though playing some game and people will call me for help and whole city will waits for me and there comes the hero. All of a sudden, public who suffered because of those evils will forget that incident and will say “Saviour for our city” ”Super man into action” etc and as though everything was cool around them , They will wave their hands and fathers will show me to their small kids without thinking about the fire on their ass. Young gals will give flying kisses while flying from tower A to tower B and vice versa. I can give some more poses to those photographs happily and after all these scenes, at last victory will be mine and everyone will be happy though I got some bad injuries. As because of this, I wish to be superhero. Reason5: Kids will stick my photos in their lovable items and bedroom Reason6: No need to worry for money, Govt will take care of me as I take care of people Now i m working in reputed IT company for money and nothing else. So if i am a super hero, I will rescue people and so to appreciate me,Govt will alot some amount of money as a token of love ( no money no service). Reason7: If I visit to some schools or colleges, Kids will give roses and cards In my childhood days, during annual day, we used to wait for some VIP's and greet them with roses and cards, Even I dreamed same and tht wish will come true if i am a super hero. Reason 8: Will get a beautiful lover Spiderman, Superman, Batman and even watchman opposite to my house have beautiful lover but I m still lonely hey Mr. Lonely. So there is law of super hero that if he is a super hero , then beautiful gal is directly pro(moted)portional to lover. Reason9: Comic books, Animation movies Through animation movies and comicx only i came to know about all super heros, similarly many will know me through same medium.Through royalty, i can earn money and also can say loads of messages and good policies to kids n even adults. Reason10: Sitting in long tower n thinking about to quit super hero job After all services and rescue operations, fed up with the job n my lover will feel lot bcoz of villans, so i ll choose long tower and start thinking about quiting his job and return to normal life.
Visit to shilparamam
Posted On Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at at 10:25 AM by SundarS
I was forced to spend three days holidays(Which we get rare in IT'z) alone in hyderabad. I dont know language, places but need to manage. Due to good response from Mr.Sun(42 DEG), I didnt go anywhere n simply spend time by watching TV, I shud thanks to lalit modi who occupied my evening almost three days.I watched few movies too. BOLT,Padikathavan,fast and furious 4,padaiyeppa (Sun TV, only tamil channel here in Hyderabad).
I took more photos as memory of those. Then i searched for boating and sand beach which was mentioned in ticket but didnt find any ( Perfect indianism !!!), Kid who went in front of me asked his dad often, paapa boating, paapa boating. Came out around 8.00pm and worth for 20rs, with some satisfaction, I reached room n had food n again said thanks to lalit modi. ya started to watch the match.