Is naming convention so IMP???
Posted On Thursday, February 11, 2010 at at 9:24 AM by SundarS
Why naming convention is so important?
I never understood this when my manager used to say this. My multiskilled brain sorted out with lot of questions as who cares about the name of my code. As a owner of the code, i can name it and once the testing is over, i gonna place this is in server. From there everyone will run it with some other front end tool. Why to name this in some convention and follow it through out my life?
But i understood this last saturday after an incident. Even Newton discovered about gravity after an incident only right?
As because of my personal work, I decided to go Adyar from Avadi. Bus route to Adyar is 47A which goes till Thiruvanmiyur. But as it is long distance route, frequency is less. I missed one bus and not sure about next bus timing. I saw the bus numbered 41A which goes till Mandhaveli. All our new MTC buses have electronic LED that displays the route it passes by. I saw a name called "Adyar gate" and got into bus thinking that Adyar depot is nearer from Adyar gate. I already got 30 rs pass which can be used through out the day in any MTC buses. Bus started at 4 and it went in all long distance. I asked driver to inform when it reaches Adyar. He stared at me and said its going to mandhaveli. I was bit confused as I know about the routes around T.nagar . I had confident as it went till nandhanam but confirmed that we are travelling in wrong bus when it turn left before reaching saidapet. I asked my co-passenger without showing my ignorance that how much time will it take to reach Adyar from Mandhaveli. He said 10 minutes and i just calmed myself as he also said it will take 10 more minutes to reach mandhveli. So totally 20 minutes and i can be there in time. After some kilometers, I saw very big building which had a unwritten name in its walls as a five star hotel which is named as "Hotel Adyar gate". Oh my God!. This is the incident which clearly explained why naming convention is so important. Later on i searched in google and find out that it is a famous hotel in mandhaveli. Because of its name, i took that bus and roamed all over chennai. To reach Adyar, the route i used is Avadi --> Ambattur --> Padi --> Anna nagar --> Aminjikarai --> Ayanvaram --> Kilpauk --> Chetpet --> Nungampakkam --> nandhanam --> Alwarpet-->"ADYAR GATE" --> Mandhaveli --> Adyar. This is because of naming convention!!!!
I never understood this when my manager used to say this. My multiskilled brain sorted out with lot of questions as who cares about the name of my code. As a owner of the code, i can name it and once the testing is over, i gonna place this is in server. From there everyone will run it with some other front end tool. Why to name this in some convention and follow it through out my life?
But i understood this last saturday after an incident. Even Newton discovered about gravity after an incident only right?
As because of my personal work, I decided to go Adyar from Avadi. Bus route to Adyar is 47A which goes till Thiruvanmiyur. But as it is long distance route, frequency is less. I missed one bus and not sure about next bus timing. I saw the bus numbered 41A which goes till Mandhaveli. All our new MTC buses have electronic LED that displays the route it passes by. I saw a name called "Adyar gate" and got into bus thinking that Adyar depot is nearer from Adyar gate. I already got 30 rs pass which can be used through out the day in any MTC buses. Bus started at 4 and it went in all long distance. I asked driver to inform when it reaches Adyar. He stared at me and said its going to mandhaveli. I was bit confused as I know about the routes around T.nagar . I had confident as it went till nandhanam but confirmed that we are travelling in wrong bus when it turn left before reaching saidapet. I asked my co-passenger without showing my ignorance that how much time will it take to reach Adyar from Mandhaveli. He said 10 minutes and i just calmed myself as he also said it will take 10 more minutes to reach mandhveli. So totally 20 minutes and i can be there in time. After some kilometers, I saw very big building which had a unwritten name in its walls as a five star hotel which is named as "Hotel Adyar gate". Oh my God!. This is the incident which clearly explained why naming convention is so important. Later on i searched in google and find out that it is a famous hotel in mandhaveli. Because of its name, i took that bus and roamed all over chennai. To reach Adyar, the route i used is Avadi --> Ambattur --> Padi --> Anna nagar --> Aminjikarai --> Ayanvaram --> Kilpauk --> Chetpet --> Nungampakkam --> nandhanam --> Alwarpet-->"ADYAR GATE" --> Mandhaveli --> Adyar. This is because of naming convention!!!!

A mail to GOD : In search of true GOD
Posted On Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at at 9:44 PM by SundarS

I wanted to know what is GOD – When I googled this as usual, it resulted in Wikipedia and read those articles but ended up having an head ache. My confusion is who is/are god/gods?
When I was a kid like others J (Still but), there was no cable connection in my grand ma house and so DD was the only option for me. We used to watch ‘Sri Krishna’, ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’. I had lot of doubts and as usual my grand ma told some stories to clear my doubts. I came to conclusion that GOD is one who creates all species in this world and also one who created this world to accommodate his inventions (Species). God is super power. God helps people who are in trouble and many examples in above said epics that Krishna handled main villan kamsan and many other non extinct species which were also created by same GOD. Y he shud create and Y he shud delete it? This is the case where my confusion starts… There are many GOD’s in this world and each one having their own name and own looks. In India, we can see different GOD. Again one more confusion in my conclusion, if there are many GOD’s in this world and how they created whole world with all resources, and still creating. If it’s a team work, then who is the team lead and project manager and delivery manager. (I am working in ITJ) So I decided to drop a mail to GOD itself praying him/her to reply ASAP.
Hi ____
How are you? I am one among u r delivered goods to so called earth and confused with the practice which is followed in our earth. Here I can see many GOD around me. So I donno to whom I shud write this mail, and so I kept it blank for you to fill it up. I know you’re the super creator but I want to who you are exactly (In India or at least in Tamilnadu)? So plz clear. I hope you remember the country which u created and we named it as India. Here there are so many gods from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Most frustrating part is same god is having multiple personality with different looks and names which make me to doubt u that u r suffering from multiple personality disorder??.
I know there is no death for you but I am not sure that u aware there is birth for you. If you are super creator, then we are creator of super creator. Yeah, it may be shocking news to u but daily news to me. Yes day by day GOD population also increasing and I guess soon great competition will be there in India. My search in discovering you continued and I even googled as anything can be searched in, with “Who is god” which resulted with 99,100,000 pages and each describing different names as GOD. Confused again and closed GOD of search engine.
Tragedy part in my confusion is I am seeing few GOD who look similar to me. Yes they are also human beings created by you. People here worship them similar to you. They can do live magic tricks like getting Ash (Vibuthi) by waving in air, taking lingam from them (yes believe me, they taking it very easily). Some may go extreme state by torturing themselves like breaking coconut in their head and does the same to their devotee (As though it’s solid rock) and worst part they do this with full intention without fear of blood. Few jump across here and there and saying future of other thinking they are modern world Nostradamus and peak is jumping over small child saying the future of that child. If he misses the jump, future of child ends there. One more group is mesmerizing people by saying u r name and they claim that anything can be healed if we surrender us to them. Then SWINE FLU, AIDS are curable I guessJ. Like this lot of living GODS doing all sort of fun to entertain few and to destroy maximum by saying they are GOD. Please take care of duplicates. I guess u shud start thinking about piracy and copyrights.
Friend in need is friend in deed, so I called up my friend and asked him, he said that his grand mother is GOD to him. This concept is all over the world. Few crazy friends told Sachin as GOD, DR.Vijay, and Rajini as GOD to them. So I left this option too. Sachin is GOD as he is hitting fours and sixes which doesn’t help any poor people or needy except him. Same to rest of the so called GOD in all fields. Please take care this too.
I just write what I know; GOD is nothing but a superior power that may help us to have a disciplined life. It may be called as per people wish but there is no differentiation between each name. There may be different look but an ultimate point is no specific look for u and only feel is there.
Take care of u r identity and originality which I mentioned above and please clarify my questions ASAP….
Sundar (India)
SurviVal Of FitteSt
Posted On Thursday, October 8, 2009 at at 4:29 AM by SundarS

This is famous phrase by Herbert Spencer after reading Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”. Personally I like this phrase, not only me, everyone who is struggling to succeed in their life or who already succeeded would love this phrase as fitting ourselves for the surroundings or saying it as “adaptability”, is important in all ages of life. Right from very old ages, this theory played very significant role. Many animals became extinct species which were incapable to adapt itself. Animals like Giraffe adapt to its environment and so it’s still surviving.
To make it clear, if lion needs to survive, it should struggle among its individual or its superior and also environmental conditions, one with ‘best’ character survives else it fails. If it fails, it should adapt to the conditions, where changes occur slowly i.e. very slowly it transfers to its offspring’s, so that they get some advanced characteristics than its parents, become dominant among the population and thus survives. If it fails in any stages, then lion may become extinct species. This is known as ‘Natural selection’ as per Darwin.
I like mosquito very much which is best example for the above said theory. If we get some liquidator or any mosquito repellent coils, for few days, it works well and later, mosquitoes adapt to the repellent and do its work as usual. I understand this well when few government servers sprayed DDT with help of some machine as step to prevent malaria in our town. I was at class ‘6’, I guess. We as usual played in streets and played with this DDT fog too. I asked one of my friends about this as I don’t know for what reason it is was sprayed all over. He said the reason, but mosquitoes bit us again in two or three minutes. Then someone in the street told me that they got adapted to this DDT as it’s used for the past 50 yrs. I guess this as best example for above said theory. It get adapted to it and very slowly it got resistant against DDT, generation by generation and showed its ‘best’ character and survived in spite of DDT now. From then, I like this phrase very much as I always wish myself to adapt according to the environment.
Every one like to face the victory and be a champ but that doesn’t happen every time. There are hurdles that stop our triumph often, called as failures. Failures are stepping stone for success and so, survival of fittest includes facing failure, learning from the failure and converting that failure to success. So to do the above said things, hard work is the key for success. So the conclusion is, to survive we need three aspects i.e. adaptability, acceptability and hard work. But now days, we need one more thing or character to survive which is on the top of all, called as ‘Luck’ or ‘Fight against Luck’ which decides everything. Really it’s hard to fight against luck, if our time is good; luck favors or else just breezes. Word ‘Luck’ is often used by IT people like us and especially rookies like me. Luck plays major role then talents and stuff he or she has. So to survive in this IT world, we need four aspects “Adaptability”, “Acceptability”, “Hard work” and “ ‘Luck’ or ‘ability to fight against luck’ ”. I am often seeing many youngsters in temple now days praying the lord to get the so called luck. For no reason, talented guys are fired and without any technical knowledge, few are getting some good projects and all because of so called ‘Luck’. If an individual like me struggle to show my ‘best’ character in order to survive, those ‘best’ characters are not recognized unless ‘Luck’ favors. If ‘luck’ doesn’t favors, then what is the use of showing my ‘best’ characters? To get recognized, to dominant among other individuals like me, ‘Luck’ should kick off, so that I can fly sky high. If luck just gives a trigger, then one who has ability to survive among the individuals can survive in any field.
Nowadays, I am preparing mentally to face my luck in order to survive.
To be dominant this world, I should inherit ‘best’ character as per Darwin’s theory and shud wait for luck to kick off. Doing that inheritance really need lot of patience and loads of time in front of the desktop. “Patience” is another character that shud be inherited in order survive among the rivals. Survival will be there till this world survives and we shud inherit as much as possible to dominate the world and be the top among the rest of the individual.
In the end, theory doesn’t change but the fight plan changes as per the time and environment. One can smell victory if he or she understands the phrase “Survival of the fittest or call it as ‘luckiest’ ”
Oh my lovely.... அழகிய காதலி ....
Posted On Saturday, July 11, 2009 at at 5:25 AM by SundarS
அவளை கண்டதும்
எனக்குள் எதோ மாற்றம்
அவளை தினம் பார்த்தாலும்
மீண்டும் மீண்டும் காணத்துடிக்கிறேன் ...
பலமுறை என்னுடன் பழகியவள் அவள்
ஆனாலும் ஒவ்வொரு முறையும்
எங்கோ பிழை செய்கிறேன் ...
உன் பெயரே அழகிய கவிதை...
உன்னை பற்றி எதற்கு
இன்னொரு கவிதை
என் அழகிய ..."தமிழ்"... !!!!!!
Posted On Monday, July 6, 2009 at at 9:15 AM by SundarS
பிறரின் சாவே
அவனின் வாழ்வு
பிணங்களை கண்டு
மகிழ அவன் மிருகம் அல்ல
அவன் வீட்டில் அடுப்பெரிக்க
பிணம் எரிக்கும்
வெட்டியான் !!!!
...முடிவில் அவனின் தொடக்கம் ...
Lonely Train
Posted On Saturday, June 27, 2009 at at 8:45 AM by SundarS
Freedom <<<>>> blocked
Posted On Monday, May 18, 2009 at at 10:07 AM by SundarS
சிறையினை உடைத்து
சிறகொன்று கடன்பெற்று
சுதந்திரமாய் பறக்க ஆசை
சூழ்நிலை என்னும் சங்கிலி
தடுக்கிறது .......